Making Sense of Multiplication Facts

Regular price $3.50

Making Sense of Multiplication Facts uses drawing, art, hands-on explorations and games to help your child understand how multiplication works and build confidence and excitement for learning times tables. 

In this activity pack, she'll master the foundational skills she needs to know BEFORE learning multiplication facts: 

  • the "flip-around rule": 4x5 is the same as 5x4 
  • meaningful language in multiplication
  • visual models for mental math
  • how multiplication is used in real life

Your child will make sense of multiplication with visual models that enable her to solve any multiplication problem--even if she hasn't learned her facts yet. 

Making Sense of Multiplication Facts includes the following activities: 
  • Equal Groups
  • Multiplication Language
  • Drawing Multiplication
  • Picture Groups
  • Pigs in a Pen Game
  • Multiplying with Pictures
  • How to Read an Array
  • Picture Arrays
  • Roll a Rectangle
  • Crowded Rectangles Game

Your kids will learn: 

  • The Flip-Around Rule (commutative property)
  • How to Multiply Times One
  • How to Multiply Times Zero
  • Skip Counting to Solve

This product is available at discount as part of the complete series: Multiplication Facts Bundle

**This is an instant digital download--nothing will be shipped.

Customer Reviews

Based on 10 reviews
Why doesn't every school have this?

This concise and colorful little bundle makes multiplication so easy to understand, and grasp at its core. Even my 5 year old, who isn't necessarily some magical math whiz, started the pages with his older sister and it made total sense to him. I've seen tons of other math curriculums fumble their way through introducing multiplication and this is just so much smoother. I'm glad I got these pages for my daughter's summer enrichment because I think when he class starts learning it officially this fall it will make so much more sense, and she'll be ready for the rote-memory element. Definitely recommend as a review or add on supplement :)

Michele Jones
Making Sense of Multiplication Facts

I love that the lessons don't assume the child knows the fundamentals and go step by step in words and pictures!

Not challenging enough

Personally, it was not as challenging as I thought it would be for 3rd grade. I wish there was a better preview of the forms. I paid for it hoping it would be great, unfortunately, I did not think it was.

Oh no! I'm so sorry this wasn't up to your expectations. I take feedback very seriously and will be incorporating your suggestions into future versions of this product.

stefanie McNew

We haven’t officially started it yet, but I have liked through and it looks really fun and I think my daughter will enjoy it. Great way to learn multiplication facts easier.

Melissa Giles
Amazing Program

When nothing else has worked... Try this! It's amazing. Open and go, fun, engaging and written so students with learning differences can excel with it too.
I absolutely love this program, after years of trying other things! I hope a full curriculum is next!!